
Sunday, December 2, 2012

I will never quit


"Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih dan lagi Maha Penyayang."

MasyaAllah ape aku nak tulis ni. When it comes for blogging aku agak blurr untuk tulis apa. But seems like not everyone tahu ape yang terbuku di hati ni, let me tell you a story. I just want to share to this screen. muahaha.

I have found this magic food called Herbalife. And when this come, everything changes. Totally changed but i guess still not change 360 degree. Hanya bertemu seorang kakak dekat booth usim kat pkp almost last one year, I decide to do Herbalife.

This is her. Kecik molek jer orang nye. But she have teaches me A LOT. Aku sangat amaze dengan akak kecik ni, sooo banyak cakap mula2 and dia sangat bersungguh2 untuk ajar aku mula2 ak join Herbalife. And i'm stll want to learn more. One day i will thank to her because of hari yang bersejarah tu datang2 timbang jer kat tempat dia. Or maybe if aku x pergi kat tempat dia i still tengah aktif dengan Palapes sekarang. hihi.

Okay done about her. Nanti aku cite lagi banyak lagi. Now im wondering, hampir setahun 2 bulan aku bersama Herbalife, If i recap back apa yang aku dapat sepanjang along the journey memang xdapat aku cerita dalam post ni jer. For sure the best income pernah aku dapat dalam Herbalife actually dalam purata boleh mencapai 10k. Even i dont expect or realize benda tu. Sangat amazing untuk budak hingusan yang macam aku ni. Dah la xreti bercakap still malu2 tapi nak jugak buat Herbalife. Why ? This is my WHY.

This is my family. Pendekkan citer biarlah aku buat demi mereka. sebenarnya memang banyak lagi why aku, but let this be the strongest why. This could be the strongest why and the weakest why. Why i said so? You will never know until you enter my family muahaha. Nak enter caneee ? Tekan jer enter kat keyboard korang. bhahaha.

I'm a product lover. Aku SUKE GILER kat product HERBALIFE. aku xpernah nak cube ape2 product selain Herba ku ini. I've fall in love from its background, Products, Mision and vision dia, everything! the whole thing la senang cite ! Tapi mula2 tak boleh lagi mengalahkan hobby aku bermain Archery. Whenever dulu Archery will come first. Dalam keadaan ape2 pun Archery lah yang aku sangat cintai. hihi. But now Herbalife is become part of my life.

Before Herbalife;

and me after Herbalife ;

And last month income Herbalife bayar RM2400 and even more plus retail. And more and more will come after this insyaAllah. Okay lah tu untuk part timers student yang nak side income. What should you ask for more? Personal development lagi lah banyak dapat. Kene pandai manage eveything. And one of my friend pernah cakap, dalam melakukan tiap2 pekerjaan itu tidak ada yang pernah sia-sia. Even you nampak all of my journeys tu semua memberikan kesan dalam diri. Even with YOUR STORY ;)

Kak Hidayah ada cakap, she (me) have so many reason to quit. but she didnt. why ? And i really want to stay in Herbalife no matter what. Moga Allah melindungi dan merahmati aku aminn.