"Sebagai pembuka bicara Ya Allah . ku titipkan doa agar aku terus dapat meraih cinta dariMu Ya Allah . Ya Allah moga aku istiqamah "
I can do timeline for people dat hurts me , that came into along my journey , what else i can say ? Thanks you for being a part of my life . You were came without invitation, came as to strengthen my heart , YA Allah . Thank you for this NIKMAT and HIKMAH . the more i getting hurt , the more i have to be grateful . isnt that sound so mean to you ? well, i should hate them , say to my heart and full filled with hatred, i can choose to be one, but im tired enough.
no such words that can described them , as everyone is still clear as the crystal in my head, move with my memories, well done guys ! . What next then . but i will never reject for these to coming . because everything is come from Allah as His challenge .
some said the bigger the cried, the bigger the paycheck, well this is sound like business. but im in the field that involve of business, i prayed after this everything will go smoothly then... new semester is upcoming then..
Its hurts. Really hurts . even when you slices your flesh with knife or you get hurt by some torn . and when you flash back the memories you starting to cry , and asking why all those must be happened . i cannot give the answer , you have to look and find for yourself .
the people, i dont have to describe , friends . always come and go . enemies. dont even think of having one . what is most beautiful in the world besides than friendship, love, having each other, to be loveable...
as the timeline goes by , im ready and willing and be able to forget all of them . it naturally goes off as the prayers have been answer by Allah . You ask what you will deserve to get , you pray for something that you really want badly in your life . Lau hau la wala quwwata illa billah...
all those memories will be forgetable, insyaAllah . By Allah's willing . Wake up get urself UP ! we already have the ups and down . no offense , it is natural . :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
The power of subuh (2) and Dhuha
"Ya Allah berkati dan lindungi setiap perjalanku di dunia ini , lindungi aku dari ancaman bahaya , lindungi aku dari syaitan yang durjana , lindungi aku daripada melakukan maksiat , lindungi hati aku untuk terus beriman dan bertaqwa kepoadamu . Amin Ya Rabb "
Alhamdulillah harini hari yang ke 16 kita berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan . Semalam teraweh pun dah start bace doa qunut waktu witir . hurm sejauh manekah aku telah pergi sepanjang bulan Ramadhan kali ni ? Lepas teraweh tu sedap plak melantak moreh . dimanekah prinsip2 aku yang nak jaga kalori nih ? haha . okay fine dah la tu kutuk diri sendiri . T__T
Orang herbalifers selalu cakap , jangan tinggal solat dhuha . HAritu sharing dari MOMOI pun cakap dia rasa sangat lain dan bertenaga after solat subuh . so jaga solat subuh kita . Solat dhuha pun momoi amalkan setiap hari . Alhamdulillah . patut la rezeki dia mencurah2 . dah aktive world team pun . aku memang follow their success . me ? i'm not sure when , but my time hasn't come yet and i have to work for it ..
"Ya Allah berkati dan lindungi setiap perjalanku di dunia ini , lindungi aku dari ancaman bahaya , lindungi aku dari syaitan yang durjana , lindungi aku daripada melakukan maksiat , lindungi hati aku untuk terus beriman dan bertaqwa kepoadamu . Amin Ya Rabb "
Alhamdulillah harini hari yang ke 16 kita berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan . Semalam teraweh pun dah start bace doa qunut waktu witir . hurm sejauh manekah aku telah pergi sepanjang bulan Ramadhan kali ni ? Lepas teraweh tu sedap plak melantak moreh . dimanekah prinsip2 aku yang nak jaga kalori nih ? haha . okay fine dah la tu kutuk diri sendiri . T__T
Orang herbalifers selalu cakap , jangan tinggal solat dhuha . HAritu sharing dari MOMOI pun cakap dia rasa sangat lain dan bertenaga after solat subuh . so jaga solat subuh kita . Solat dhuha pun momoi amalkan setiap hari . Alhamdulillah . patut la rezeki dia mencurah2 . dah aktive world team pun . aku memang follow their success . me ? i'm not sure when , but my time hasn't come yet and i have to work for it ..
The power of subuh prayer
bismillah .
"Ya Allah Ya Rabb , adakah aku telah melakukan banyak kemungkaran kepadaMu Ya Allah . Ampunkan dosa-dosa ku.. "
Alhamdulillah . Kita mulakan blogging pada hari ini dengan surah Al-Fatihah .
Demikian lah ayat2 suci Al-Quran . okay ayat kebiasaan yang kita dengar time Tilawah al- Quran Antarabangsa . hihi .
When your life keeps on changing , or may i say when your life is having the adventures , challenges , that's make your life colored with beautiful colors of life . Well said , for these few days i'm having a journey that quite interesting , i do not wanna say maybe , but this is the reality . The truth . So i do not want to hiding it . Little sharing for this morning.
THE POWER OF SOLAT SUBUH . Ya Allah jadikan aku seorang yang taat kepada agamaMu . Jadikan aku juga kuat dalm keROHanianku agar aku dapat menempuh kehidupan dan dugaan yang penuh pancaroba ini . Amin...
For these several days of weird journey , hehe . I could not manage my mind WELL because of disaster planning in my life hahaha .End up i stay at my brother's house , the oldest one . Just for once in my life , one day of commonly human life , i've learned soooo many things just for a day . and the lessons like thousands .
I can't imagine . I can't imagine ME in those situations . well maybe i'm too early thinking bout this , but will i let THOSE thing happen in my life . well , NEVER .
With kids around and when you get back from work , makes you soo tired to be with kids behaviour and soo on,
And each and every night they keep on wanna go bed with me . haha .
"Ya Allah Ya Rabb , adakah aku telah melakukan banyak kemungkaran kepadaMu Ya Allah . Ampunkan dosa-dosa ku.. "
Alhamdulillah . Kita mulakan blogging pada hari ini dengan surah Al-Fatihah .
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Penyayang .
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semestaalam .
Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang .
Pemilik hari pembalasan >
Hanya kepada engkau kami menyembah dan hanya kepada Engkau kami memohon pertolongan .
Tunjukkanah kami jalan yang lurus .
(Iaitu) jalan yang telah engkau beri nikmat kepada mereka dan bukan (jalan) mereka yang dimurkai dan bukan (pula jalan ) mereka yang sesat .
Sodakallahul Azim .
Demikian lah ayat2 suci Al-Quran . okay ayat kebiasaan yang kita dengar time Tilawah al- Quran Antarabangsa . hihi .
When your life keeps on changing , or may i say when your life is having the adventures , challenges , that's make your life colored with beautiful colors of life . Well said , for these few days i'm having a journey that quite interesting , i do not wanna say maybe , but this is the reality . The truth . So i do not want to hiding it . Little sharing for this morning.
THE POWER OF SOLAT SUBUH . Ya Allah jadikan aku seorang yang taat kepada agamaMu . Jadikan aku juga kuat dalm keROHanianku agar aku dapat menempuh kehidupan dan dugaan yang penuh pancaroba ini . Amin...
For these several days of weird journey , hehe . I could not manage my mind WELL because of disaster planning in my life hahaha .End up i stay at my brother's house , the oldest one . Just for once in my life , one day of commonly human life , i've learned soooo many things just for a day . and the lessons like thousands .
I can't imagine . I can't imagine ME in those situations . well maybe i'm too early thinking bout this , but will i let THOSE thing happen in my life . well , NEVER .
With kids around and when you get back from work , makes you soo tired to be with kids behaviour and soo on,
And each and every night they keep on wanna go bed with me . haha .
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